Money is hard to talk about. Money decisions are hard to make. Our financial experiences with money impact so many aspects of life. Join me in processing how your money story was written and examine your fears around money, the hope to raise money conscious kids, tackle uncertainty about how to have money conversations with your children.
I stand for raising successful, motivated children who have a positive relationship with money. A driving force behind my practice is to help individuals heal from financial trauma and process money histories so they can make good money decisions for themselves and teach children healthy money habits.
If you are parenting with a partner, this will build upon my work with couples and I will asses whether or not we should start there.
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The personal finance industry has focused on providing financial literacy and education, but has largely igonored the psychological and emotional factors of making financial decisions. Understanding your pshchology and emotions around money is essential for you to make sustainable changes. You are ready to take the next step in understanding?